June 12, 2023
Dear RBS Family,
175 school days ago, 560 students entered our hallways, some for the first time, some for the fifth, and all ready for a year of excitement and learning! Through the past ten months, our RBS’ers grew as readers and writers, went on field trips, sang, learned math skills, experimented with scientific processes, played, built, shared, and celebrated. And because growing kids is sometimes a messy process, they also had moments that were hard – challenges with learning or tough moments with friends, all of which are part of the process of growing. And through it all, they shared their smiles and joy, hugs, and (on occasion) a few tears, and hopefully creating lifelong memories of their year here.
Before we can turn off the alarm clocks, spend less time thinking about carpools or making lunches and more time deciding what kind of ice cream is the best, please know how appreciative our whole team here at RBS is for your continued support, thanks, and kindness this past year. You send us your very best each and every morning, and we’re so grateful for the trust you place in us to help make the best decisions possible for all the ‘littles’ around us. We hope we’ve created an environment that was positive and supportive for all - and if you’d be so kind, here’s a literally-one-question survey regarding it – click here to let us know.
Every end of the year brings some changes, and we have a few celebrations and best wishes to announce! First off, our ‘administrative assistant extraordinaire’ for so many years, Kathy Patton, is retiring at the end of June, and we’re delighted to have Lori Noble take over that desk in August. Within the building, Mary Scully moves from the PK teacher role into serving as one of our Special Education Resource teachers, working with the K-4 population. Lynne Zemaitis returns in the fall as a Kindergarten teacher (moving down from Grade Four), and Jill Heckendorf moves to Grade One (from Grade Two). And we send our thanks and best wishes to Joel Robinson and Danielle Roy, who will both be moving over to Pine Grove School, teaching Grade Four and Grade Three respectively – we are so grateful for their passion, professionalism, and care and attention to our Kindergarteners! There are a few hires that we’re in the midst of right now, and we’ll keep everyone posted as the summer progresses.
A reminder that our last day (this Friday, June 16th) follows our half-day schedule, and families and students returning in the fall will receive our usual mid-summer update with items for our calendars. Teacher placements will be released in mid-August, and between Becca, Lori, and myself, the office is open most of the summer – reach out with whatever we can do to help set your kiddos up for success.
With warm wishes towards a summer filled with fun,
-Noam, Susan, and the whole RBS Family!